At Bright Star Dental, we love getting to know our patients over the years and developing relationships with them. After all, one of the things that sets us apart from other practices is feeling like you’re a part of the family when you walk into our Las Cruces dental office.
We love hearing about your family vacations, and summertime is usually when many of our patients set out on those adventures. With that in mind, we thought this was the perfect time to post a blog about how to keep your smile healthy while you’re on vacation.
Here are some tips for keeping your teeth and gums in good shape so you can enjoy a relaxing trip!
Get Your Dental Work Done Before Your Vacation
If you have a few weeks before takeoff, then go ahead and get any dental work out of the way. If you haven’t had your first checkup of the year just yet, go ahead and schedule your routine dental cleaning and exam with Dr. Gilbert.
This is a good idea because a thorough exam can cut any potential dental problems off at the pass. If Dr. Gilbert discovers any issues, such as a cavity or a decayed tooth, you can get the restorative treatment you need beforehand so the problem won’t worsen while you’re on vacation.
If you do have to have a cavity filled or need a dental crown, for example, getting that done before you leave will give you time to heal properly and allow you time to follow up with Dr. Gilbert should you run into any problems during your recovery. You don’t want to go on your trip worrying about something going wrong with your dental work or a toothache that began before you left getting more and more painful while you’re trying to have a good time.
Or, the checkup might reveal you have no dental issues at all, which means you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation with peace of mind knowing that all is well with the state of your oral health!
Plan Ahead For Dental Emergencies Abroad
No matter how careful you are or how much you try to prevent them, accidents can and do happen to the best of us! If you’ve ever experienced a dental emergency before, you know that time is precious and you don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of searching far and wide for emergency dental services.
It’s easy to find an emergency room in any city, but with oral injuries, it can be tough to find the kind of care you need in a hurry. We recommend spending a little time researching the area you’ll be visiting while on vacation. Keep the contact information of emergency dental care providers in that area safely stored where you can easily find it if you need it.
This will, again, give you peace of mind knowing you can find help if you need it and that you can possibly save precious time if you or someone in your family knocks out a tooth during the trip.
Safe Travels For Your Smile
One of the best parts about being on vacation is that you get to try new things, not the least of which is food. Being outside of your normal environment, culture, and routine, you’ll find interesting places to eat and new foods to try. Because of that, we sort of abandon our usual diet and allow ourselves the chance to indulge.
It’s not a bad idea, then, to adopt two helpful habits to protect your smile. First, carry some dental flossers with you so you can clear food particles after a meal. This will help protect your teeth and gums by eliminating debris that harmful bacteria like to feed on.
The second is to either carry with you a small travel kit with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash so you can easily clean your teeth on the go. This won’t be a practical option for everyone, in which case, you can simply make a habit of rinsing your mouth with water after you eat throughout the day. This helps to wash away any food particles and sugars that, again, feed harmful bacteria in your mouth.
Make Sure To Stop By Bright Star Dental!
Remember to schedule an appointment with us before you go so you can enjoy vacation free from the stress of any existing dental problems. We sure look forward to hearing about your adventures when you get back from your trip!
Give us a call today at 575-680-1084, or you can fill our online form to schedule your routine dental cleaning and exam.